The Executive Committee of the Metropolitan Transport Consortium of the Seville Metropolitan Area, in its meeting held on May 25, 2017, approved the action protocol that regulates the access of electric wheelchair-type scooters to the buses that provide service on the metropolitan lines affiliated with the Metropolitan Area of Seville Transport Consortium (CTMAS).
To access the bus with electric wheelchair-type scooters, it will be necessary to obtain an accreditation card. To do this, you must submit an appropriately completed application along with the documentation stipulated in section 5.3 of the protocol. You can download the application form here: [Download Application]

Protocol for access of electric scooter-type wheelchairs to buses providing service on metropolitan lines of the metropolitan area of seville transport consortium
1. Background
Decree 293/2009, of July 7, which approves the Regulation that regulates the rules for accessibility in infrastructure, urban planning, construction, and transportation in Andalusia, establishes in Article 131 the conditions that intercity regular public transport buses for general use must meet. Article 132, Section 1, prescribes that the companies providing transportation services are responsible for providing disabled users with information about bus routes, schedules, and stops for accessible buses.
The provisions established in this Decree referred to a type of wheelchair that does not adapt to the current social reality, where a series of devices are widely used that have the same function of facilitating personal autonomy and mobility but differ from the concept of a conventional wheelchair. This has led to situations of uncertainty regarding their access to buses, affecting both users and companies.
For this reason, until national and/or regional regulations are adapted, it is considered necessary to establish a protocol of action that regulates the access of these devices to buses assigned to the metropolitan lines of the Metropolitan Area of Seville Transport Consortium (CTMAS).
To achieve this, the drafting of this protocol has had the collaboration of the General Directorate for Persons with Disabilities of the Ministry of Equality and Social Policies of the Andalusian Regional Government, the Business Association of Metropolitan Transport in Seville (ASETRANSME), and the Provincial Federation of Associations of Persons with Physical and Organic Disabilities of Seville (FAMS-COCEMFE Sevilla).
2. Purpose
The purpose of this protocol is to establish the procedure for authorizing the access of electric scooter-type wheelchairs for people with reduced mobility to buses assigned to metropolitan lines of the Metropolitan Area of Seville Transport Consortium (CTMAS).
3. Definitions
For the purposes of this protocol, an electric scooter-type wheelchair is defined as a motorized wheelchair with electric propulsion, three or more wheels, and directional control through a mechanical system that allows steering the wheels without electrical assistance.
Authorized electric scooter-type wheelchair: One that, due to its dimensional and weight characteristics, can access buses assigned to metropolitan lines of CTMAS with the corresponding Accreditation Card and equipped with wheelchair access mechanisms.
Authorized electric scooter-type wheelchairs will be considered equivalent, in terms of usage rules and the rights and obligations of cardholders, to manual or conventional electric wheelchairs.
4.Characteristics of Authorized Electric Scooter-Type Wheelchairs
1. The total weight of the authorized electric scooter-type wheelchair, according to its corresponding technical specifications, when combined with the weight of the user, must be less than 300 kg.
2.The dimensions of the authorized electric scooter-type wheelchair, according to its corresponding technical specifications, shall not exceed 700 mm in width by 1,200 mm in length.
5. Acreditative Card
Individuals with reduced mobility who wish to access buses affiliated with metropolitan lines in the Seville Transport Consortium with electric scooter-type wheelchairs must obtain the corresponding Accreditation Card issued by CTMAS, following the procedure outlined in this protocol.
2. The Accreditation Card will allow its holder, upon payment of the corresponding travel pass, to access with the authorized electric scooter-type wheelchair those buses affiliated with metropolitan lines of the Seville Transport Consortium equipped with access mechanisms for manual or conventional electric wheelchairs.
3. To obtain the Accreditation Card, which will be personal and non-transferable, it will be necessary to submit, along with the corresponding application, the following documentation:
a) A responsible statement that the weight of the electric scooter-type wheelchair and the individual does not exceed 300 kg.
b) Photocopy of the National Identity Document (DNI).
c) Document certifying the degree of disability, with a degree equal to or greater than 33%, with 'Yes' indicated in the 'Mobility Scale' section and a valid period of validity.
d) Technical specifications of the electric scooter-type wheelchair, which must include its dimensions and weights.
e) Current color passport-sized photograph (include DNI number on the reverse of the photograph).
f) Photograph of the electric scooter-type wheelchair.
4. The person requesting the Accreditation Card must visit the Seville Transport Consortium headquarters located at the Plaza de Armas Bus Station, along with the electric scooter-type wheelchair for which authorization is requested, and provide the documentation listed in the previous section.
5. The General Services and User Care and Quality Directorate of the Seville Consortium, once the submitted documentation has been verified and the electric scooter-type wheelchair has been visually inspected, will issue the Accreditation Card, which will display its period of validity, the holder's data, including a photograph, as well as the make, model, and identification number of the wheelchair.
6. Validity of the Accreditation Card
1. The validity period of the Accreditation Card will be the same as indicated in the documentation certifying the degree of mobility, as stated in section 5.3.c) of this protocol. Once this period expires, the cardholder may renew the Accreditation Card as long as they meet the conditions specified in section 5.3.c) at the time of their application.
2. The Accreditation Card will become invalid if the authorized electric scooter-type wheelchair undergoes dimensional and/or weight modifications that result in non-compliance with the conditions established in this section. In such a case, the cardholder must notify the Seville Transport Consortium of this circumstance.
7. Rules of Use
1. To access the vehicles, the cardholder of the Accreditation Card must present it upon request by the drivers of the buses assigned to metropolitan lines of the CTMAS that have wheelchair access mechanisms.
2. They will board the bus and move inside it with the necessary care to ensure their own safety and that of other passengers.
3. They will be placed in the wheelchair space of the bus, facing backward, and will take all necessary safety measures to ensure the stability of the authorized electric scooter-type wheelchair. This includes engaging the brake and/or disconnecting batteries and using the provided elements for anchoring and securing.
4. The user will be responsible for complying with the provisions of this protocol and for the proper use of the authorized electric scooter-type wheelchair, without prejudice to the collaboration of the bus driver in ensuring safety conditions.